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          We provide a unique solution for efficient cultivation and long-term propagation of cells and engineered tissue while also eliminating disease transmission and inter-lot variability.

        • HKSdaFREE

          For the primary isolation and serial propagation of human kertatinocytes and corneal epithelial cells.


          For the primary isolation and serial propagation of human fibroblasts.

          CRYOVIVE 5%

          For the efficient cryopreservation of human and other animal cells.

          CRYOVIVE 2%

          For the efficient low DMSO cryopreservation of human and other animal cells.

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A Physiologically-Buffered, Sterile, Defined, Animal Origin–Free Liquid Cell Cryopreservation Medium Containing 5% (Low DMSO) or 2% (Ultra Low DMSO). CRYOVIVE™ is Chemically Defined and Does Not Contain Any Components of Animal Origin. Intended For Low Temperature Freezing, Storage and Recovery of Animal Cells or Tissue in The Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) Vapor-Phase (–196 °C).


Item Description Recommended Storage Condition Shipping Condition
Cryovive 5% DMSO (50 mL) (Inquire for Availability)
At or Below -20 deg C
Dry Ice -78 deg C